Coping strategies in women victims of gender violence and their relation with PTSD


  • Giselle Vetere Licenciada en Psicología y Profesora de Psicología Investigadora asociada de la carrera de Investigación en Salud Equipo de Violencia familiar del Hospital General de Agudos Dr. C. Argerich Instituto de Investigaciones en Psicología, Universidad de la Marina Mercante
  • Betina Macagno Dra. en Psicoanálisis. Psicóloga de planta del Htal. Dr. C. Argerich. Coordinadora de Equipo de Grupos de pacientes con trastorno mental severo
  • Florencia Kalejman Psicóloga de Planta del Equipo de Violencia Familiar del Htal. Dr. C. Argerich
  • María Eugenia Sánchez Especialista en Psiquiatría. Psiquiatra del equipo de Urgencias del Htal. Dr. C. Argerich
  • Ricardo Rodríguez Biglieri Director del Instituto de Terapia Cognitiva Conductual. Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones en psicología UdeMM
  • Solange Medina Psicóloga del Equipo de Urgencias del Htal. Posadas
  • Silvia Pujol Directora de Programas Especiales. DGSM. Ministerio de Salud


Gender violence, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Coping strategies


Summary: In our country, it is estimated that about 40% of the female population are physically and/or mentally abused by their partners, and between 21% and 60% of those women develop post-traumatic stress disorder. In this population, the knowledge about coping strategies is limited. Objectives: Identify whether significant differences exist as regards coping behaviors used in victims of gender violence between those women who develop post-traumatic stress disorder and those who do not. Methods: The study involved 30 women who received an informed consent, a sociodemographic questionnaire, the questionnaire of the coping responses inventory CRI-A and the SCID-I. Results: There were statistically significant differences regarding the use of logical analysis, seeking guidance and support, cognitive avoidance, and acceptance-resignation, used more by the post-traumatic stress disorder group; and minor use of positive reappraisal, problem solving and emotional discharge. Discussion: Coping strategies of positive revaluation, problem solving and emotional discharge have been related to the decrease in the severity of depressive and anxious symptomatology. On the other hand, the usage of Cognitive Avoidance has been related to the increase in anxious and depressive symptomatology. 


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How to Cite

Vetere, G., Macagno, B., Kalejman, F., Sánchez, M. E. ., Rodríguez Biglieri, R. ., Medina, S., & Pujol, S. . (2018). Coping strategies in women victims of gender violence and their relation with PTSD. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 29(138, mar.-abr.), 85–90. Retrieved from