Spanish Norms for Mini-SEA (Mini Social Cognition and Emotional Assessment) in adults in Buenos Aires


  • María Florencia Clarens Servicio de Neurología Cognitiva, Neuropsicología y Neuropsiquiatría, Departamento de Neurología, FLENI



Social Cognition, Frontotemporal Dementia, Neurospychological Assessment, Theory of Mind


Introduction and objective: The Mini SEA is a quick and brief cognitive assessment test developed to study social cognition. It consists of a modified version of the Faux Pas Test and an emotional recognition test based on Ekman's faces. The objective of this work was to obtain the first Spanish Speaking norms for theMini SEA test. Material and methods: 64 healthy volunteers, between 35 and 80 years old, were recruited and evaluated with the Mini SEA by specialized neuropsychologists from the Cities of Buenos Aires and La Plata, both in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Results: The total mean (M) of the Mini SEA was 25 +/- 4. The M of the Faux Pas Score was 12.5 +/- 2.4 and the M of the Emotional Recognition Score was 12.8 +/- 1.5. The sample was divided into 4 age groups: Group 1 (<50 years), Group 2 (50-59 years), Group 3 (60-69 years) and Group 4 (more than 70 years). Differences were found in the age continuum in the Emotional Recognition score between group 1 and 4 (p <0.05) and between group 3 and 4 (p <0.01), but not in the Faux Pas Score. Conclusion:This study presents the first normative values ​​of the Mini SEA Social Cognition test for a Spanish-speaking population. The Mini SEA, being a quick and easy to administer test, allows the study of social cognition in an adequate and precise way, especially in prodromal stages of neurodegenerative disease.


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How to Cite

Clarens, M. F. (2021). Spanish Norms for Mini-SEA (Mini Social Cognition and Emotional Assessment) in adults in Buenos Aires. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 32(152, abr.-jun.), 5–10.


