Autism: comparing two treatment modalities


  • Juan Pablo Lucchelli Psiquiatra a cargo. Centre Médico-psychologique pour enfants de La Courneuve Hospital Ville-Evrard, Francia
  • Jean-Claude Maleval Profesor de Psicología clínica, Universidad de Rennes 2, Francia


Autism., ABA, Psychoanalysis, Psychosis, Teacch, Early intervention


The treatment of autism has been a controversial issue for about four decades. The first formal description of Leo Kanner’s autism in the 1940s describes above all the evolution of a homogeneous neuropsychopathological disorder and did not evoke the idea of a possible treatment. Today, researchers trusted to subscribe to a type of therapy that oscillates between cognitive and  behavioral treatment. However, other treatments proposals may be pertinent, is what we discussed in the following article.


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How to Cite

Lucchelli, J. P., & Maleval, J.-C. (2018). Autism: comparing two treatment modalities. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 28(136, nov.-dic.), 405–410. Retrieved from