History from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciences in Argentina


  • Ricardo F. Allegri Jefe del Servicio de Neurología Cognitiva, Neuropsicología y Neuropsiquiatría del Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas “Raúl Carrea” (FLENI), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesor de Neurociencias, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de la Costa (CUC), Barranquilla, Colombia
  • Pablo Bagnati Coordinador del Servicio de Neuropsiquiatría del Instituto de Investigaciones Neurológicas “Raúl Carrea” (FLENI), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesor de Neuropsiquiatría, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Neuropsychology, Cognitive neurosciences, Cognitive neurology, Neuropsychiatry, History, Argentina


The first step from the neuropsychology in Argentina was in 1883 with the thesis of Antonio Piñeiro about the brain localization of the language and vision disorders, only few years after Broca. The aim of this work has been to describe the development of the neuropsychology in Argentina and its relation with the psychology, neurology and psychiatry. The first period was into the neurology with its French school influence. In 1907, Jose Ingeniero published in French his book about “amusia”, Cristofredo Jakob the “folia neurobiologica” where he described the organization of the human brain, Vicente Dimitri in 1933 his book “aphasia” and Bernardo de Quiros in 1959 his works about dyslexia. The psychiatry at the hospices with the German influence from Jakob developed to the modern neuropsychiatry with Juan Carlos Goldar. The argentine school of psychology by the holism and the psychoanalysis influence do not accept the neuropsychology until 1960 where was included at the school of psychology from the university of Buenos Aires (UBA) with the first linguistics works of Juan Azcoaga. At the 80, began the North American influence of the neurology with authors like Carlos Mangone (dementia), Ramon Leiguarda (apraxia), Sergio Starkstein (depression and apathy) and Ricardo Allegri (memory and Alzheimer). In 1982 the Argentine Neuropsychological Society was founded and in 1987 was the working group of dementia from the Argentine Neurological Society. At this moment, Aldo Ferreres organized the chair of neuropsychology at the school of psychology (UBA). Nowadays, the growing as discipline is in context of the psychology, neurology and psychiatry in the way of the recent cognitive neurosciences.


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How to Cite

Allegri , R. F. ., & Bagnati , P. (2023). History from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciences in Argentina. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 28(136, nov.-dic.), 468–478. Retrieved from https://revistavertex.com.ar/ojs/index.php/vertex/article/view/409

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