Proposal of informed consent by representation for treatment with clozapine
Informed consent, Representation, ClozapineAbstract
Clozapine-induced agranulocytosis, a potentially serious adverse effect, is a limiting factor for its therapeutic use, leading to the suspension of the drug. Its annual incidence in Argentina is 0.05%. In 2000, under provision number 935, the ANMAT approved the Monitoring Program for Ambulatory and Inpatient Patients Treated with Clozapine. In this provision arises the obligation to sign the informed consent where the patient is informed of the risks and benefits of the treatment. In psychiatric care practice patients may not possess, because of their altered psychic state, the level of competence necessary to sign informed consent for their treatment with clozapine. The objective of the present work is to analyze the doctrine of Informed Consent by Representation for the users of clozapine, as well as to propose a decision algorithm for its application in clinical practice.