Frontal Systems Behavior Scale: normative data for adults from Buenos Aires, Argentina
FrSBe, normative data, behaviorAbstract
Introduction and objective: The Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBe) is a self-administered scale hat evaluates behavioral changes (apathy, disinhibition and executive dysfunction) following a brain injury. The aim of this study was to obtain performance indicators of the total score and the subscales of the FrSBe for Spanish-speaking adults in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, analyze the effect of demographic variables and obtain normative data for the instrument. Materials and methods: 169 participants and 83 family members of these participants from Buenos Aires were included. They completed a survey for demographic data and the Spanish version of the FrSBe. Descriptive statistics were calculated and multiple linear regression models were applied to analyze the effect of age, education, and gender on the scores. Results: The variables that showed an effect on the total score of the FrSBe Self-Rating Form were age and education. There was no effect of gender and the model was not significant for the Family Rating Form. Performance means for participants on the scale were obtained, and the normative data are presented grouped into three age groups, each of them into two education groups, similiar to the original version of the instrument. Conclusion: This study provide the first normative data for adults from Buenos Aires in the FrSBe. This represents a crucial contribution to the use of this instrument in this region.