Effects of psychosocial risk at work on mental health of the forensic medical service officials in Chile


  • Elisa Ansoleaga Psicóloga Magíster en Gestión y Políticas Públicas; Doctora en Salud Pública Investigadora del Programa de Estudios Psicosociales del Trabajo, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile
  • Marcelo Urra Psicólogo Unidad de Relaciones Laborales, Servicio Médico Legal, Chile


Psychosocial Risk, Work mental health, State workers, Karasek, Siegrist


Although numerous studies have shown the harmful effects of exposure to psychosocial risk at work on the mental health of workers, there are particularly hazardous occupations product of their nature and the conditions under which the work is done. This article analyzes the associations between psychosocial risk at work and mental health in the Forensic Medical Service (SML) in Chile. The national and representative sample of 757 employees (46% men and 54% women) of SML, answered an online survey in 2013, to measure risk exposure to psychosocial risk and mental health outcomes. Data analysis considered descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that workers have a high psychosocial risk: high psychological demands (83%), low social support (53%), Jobstrain (15%), Isostrain (12%), effort- rewards imbalance (69%). Also, one in three reported depressive symptoms, distress and consumption of psychotropic drugs. The workers reported that  the problems of work contribute to the symptoms or consumption. Finally, subjects exposed to psychosocial risk had a greater chance of experiencing mental health problems than those not exposed. Diligent preventive interventions are needed to address this high risk population. 


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Author Biography

Elisa Ansoleaga, Psicóloga Magíster en Gestión y Políticas Públicas; Doctora en Salud Pública Investigadora del Programa de Estudios Psicosociales del Trabajo, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile

Although numerous studies have shown the harmful effects of exposure to psychosocial risk at work on the mental health of workers, there are particularly hazardous occupations product of their nature and the conditions under which the work is done. This article analyzes the associations between psychosocial risk at work and mental health in the Forensic Medical Service (SML) in Chile. The national and representative sample of 757 employees (46% men and 54% women) of SML, answered an online
survey in 2013, to measure risk exposure to psychosocial risk and mental health outcomes. Data analysis considered descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that workers have a high psychosocial risk: high psychological demands (83%), low social support (53%), Jobstrain (15%), Isostrain (12%), effort- rewards imbalance (69%). Also, one in three reported depressive symptoms, distress and consumption of psychotropic drugs. The workers reported that the problems of work contribute to the
symptoms or consumption. Finally, subjects exposed to psychosocial risk had a greater chance of experiencing mental health problems than those not exposed. Diligent preventive interventions are needed to address this high risk population. 



How to Cite

Ansoleaga, E., & Urra, M. (2016). Effects of psychosocial risk at work on mental health of the forensic medical service officials in Chile. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 26(124, nov.-dic.), 427–434. Retrieved from https://revistavertex.com.ar/ojs/index.php/vertex/article/view/774