Job placement for people with severe mental illness. The group experience and employment support in a community mental health institution in Buenos Aires


  • Adriana Hönig Licenciada en Psicología Coordinadora de Grupos/ Psicodramatista. Coordinadora del Área de Inserción Laboral de Proyecto Suma, Asistencia y Rehabilitación en Salud Mental


Job placement, Supported employment., Recovery, Stigma, Users’ perspectives


Starting from the depiction of the experience of a reflection group dedicated to job search and job placement for people with severe mental illness, social and working inclusion problem is analyzed. Users’ and work receptors’ perspectives are analyzed after considering work as a transforming tool of their subjectivity. This experience is based on the concept of employability. Supported employment is highlighted. Emotional moving and subjective affectation within participants are specifically taken into account, and individual pathways towards working insertion valued and respected. This reflection group is analyzed in terms of mental health services’ imaginary transformation, as well as professionals, firms and community’s attitudes towards people with mental illness, and the concept of recovery and stigma associated to them.


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How to Cite

Hönig, A. (2016). Job placement for people with severe mental illness. The group experience and employment support in a community mental health institution in Buenos Aires. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 26(124, nov.-dic.), 435–440. Retrieved from