Madness, poverty and society: when poverty becomes mental illness


  • Andrés Rousseaux Médico Especialista en psiquiatría Capítulo de Historia y Epistemología APSA


Homeless, Indigence, Serious mental illnes


The aim of this article is to review the literature on the relationship between homeless and serious mental illness. For both concepts there are different definitions, which will be promptly worked according to the analysis. The study of this issue, particularly outside the scope of our country just highlights the lack of information about this topic in our country. In addition, the following work aims to discuss the relationship between homeless and serious mental illness, as well as a new perspective of work with respect to this issue.


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How to Cite

Rousseaux, A. (2016). Madness, poverty and society: when poverty becomes mental illness. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 27(126, mar.- abr.), 94–99. Retrieved from