Typus melancholicus as endophenotype of melancholic depression


  • Christian Widakowich Médico psiquiatra Clínica St Jean, Univesidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica


Typus Melancholicus, Phenotype for endogenous depression, Melancholic personality, Tellenbach


The concept of Typus Melancholicus has been proposed by German psychiatrist Hubertus Tellenbach (1914-1994) in 1960to
describe thepre-morbid personality of endogenous or melancholic depression. Thisentity shows distinctive personalitytraits: the order attachment, strong moral conscience, intolerance ambiguity and hypernomia-heteronomy. Tellenbach uses atypological and phenomenological approach allows the descriptionof styles, ways of being and becoming ill, with a vulnerability to specific situations (moving, pregnancy, career change). Melancholy would settle after the meeting between the Typus Melancholicus with a particular vulnerable situation. This clearly calls into question the classical idea that sees Kraepelinienne endogenous depression as a diseasede termined by heredity and lack of stressors. We propose to describe Tellenbach’s concept, and to summarize the more recent empirical researches that valid the Typus Melancholicus as a phenotype for Melancholia. 


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How to Cite

Widakowich, C. (2017). Typus melancholicus as endophenotype of melancholic depression. Vertex Revista Argentina De Psiquiatría, 27(125, ene.-feb.), 56–60. Retrieved from https://revistavertex.com.ar/ojs/index.php/vertex/article/view/763